- Send Free SMS is a popular website that has made communication easier through the process of instant messaging at the click of a button and helps save time and effort.
One has the option to send unlimited free SMS to any mobile in India  and worldwide, thus making it easier to communicating by messaging at your convenience.
You can interact with others, put forth your views and share with the world with blogs if you have a passion for writing and with millions of active users, is always something new to learn. 
Keep yourself informed of the latest happenings in the world of entertainment, Bollywood gossip, movie trailers or the latest clicks of your favorite celebrities when you are with us. 
There are many contests and games that test your skill and allow user interactions and a chance to be rewarded with exciting prizes. 
The site also has a feature for job seekers called -, will help you in finding that dream job or hiring the perfect candidates. 
It is a site that makes the user make productive use of his time and helps in the overall betterment of the individual for a brand new day.
When you register for the site you will be sent  the verification code for registration, is usually sent immediately, to your mobile. 
However, due to the new TRAI regulation, if your number is registered under the DND (Do Not Disturb) list, you may not receive the code on your mobile. 
To receive the code on your mobile, type STOP DND and SMS it to 1909 and you can then mail us at with STOP DND in the subject line; and they will send you the code again.
To verify your mobile number using the 1-800-**** number, follow the below mentioned steps exactly:

 Log-in to using your mobile number/email id and password.

Click on the "Free SMS" link.

 Dial the complete toll-free11-digit number provided to you, nobody will answer the call and it will automatically disconnect after two rings and your number will be verified.

Please note that the number is a toll-free number; and you will not be charged for dialing it. 

You cannot answer the number because when you dial this number it is supposed to automatically disconnect after two rings and this means that your number is now verified and you will not require the verification code anymore.

E-greetings or e-cards are electronic greetings that you can send to your friends, family and colleagues to wish them on different occasions.

E-cards can be sent on different occasions, festivals and events are available on the site. Some of the categories under which over 1000 e-cards are available are New Year, Christmas, Friendship, Love, Valentine Day, Birthday, Diwali, Miss You, Inspirational, Anniversary, Stay In Touch, Everyday Cards, At Work and Thank You and for every card you can write your own personalized message and send it to upto 10 recipients through a manual invite. 

You will find an option to put the mobile number as well which will send an alert to the recipient that you have sent him an ecard and the sms alert will also carry the code which the recipient can then  use to retrieve the e-greeting on the site.

When you become a premium member, you instantly receive one gift voucher and in case you have not received the gift voucher in your email and the next gift voucher will be sent later when we receive an excellent deal from a big brand or vendor.

There are multiple contests and schemes on the site and announce winners from time to time and you will get a call or email from us if you are a winner.

When you become a premium member you get full 160 character limit in the SMS that you send from the site as compared to 80 characters which other members receive and  also get 30 more SMS to send leading to a total of 100 SMS per day including  2 gift vouchers and a chance to win attractive prizes in monthly draws.
    You can subscribe using the link:
    Since it is a free sms site, as per government regulation, it is important to include the mobile number of the sender along with the name of the site in the message. 
    After including these, the 160 character message is left with 130 characters to type and those 30 characters as part of your message.
    The site has tie ups with many well known brands and you willl products as prizes. 
    If you are still not satisfied with the gift/prize then you can simply courier the same back to us and we will replace it or fully refund the processing charges. Once we have received the item back, we refund the processing charges within 2 days time.
    The team at does every effort to make sure that your experience is good on the site.
     We have tied up with some excellent brands and companies so that we can give you the best prizes possible. You might have to pay a small amount towards courier, handling, processing and taxes as we cannot cover those.
    The site does not giveaway cash or money for any of the contests and they give the best possible prize to as many winners and participants as possible as we believe that contests should be played in good spirit and healthy competition. 
    The number of prizes and gifts and the cost of the prize varies from contest to contest and also depends upon the availability of certain items with branded companies that we have tied up for prizes.
    You will be contacted through email, SMS or a telephonic call from our end. Kindly wait for at least 1 month before contacting us through email or telephone regarding your prize. 
    Make sure that your email and mobile number on our site is correct where can edit the same in My Profile -> Edit Profile I have participated in a contest. 
    After a contest ends, it takes us upto a month to finalize the scores and announce the winners, sometimes the winners are anaounced within a week but this depends upon the verification of records and finalize the results depending upon the contest type. 

    The site brings out the three major requirements of today's world and these are Communication, Curiosity and Competition and the site encourages everyone to stay in touch with their loved ones. 
    The site wants you to be a Happy and Informed User and understand your needs and also value your time. 
    It has managed to become a multi purpose portal minimizes the effort and time of hopping from one site to another in search of news, latest movie reviews, entertainment updates, job openings, and you get all this and more on one single page.
    It is committed to bringing the best online experience for people from various fields and walks of life and more over rewards you for your participation.


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