Lyfetabs - Stay Connected

LyfeTabs is a website that was designed with the aim the world an open and socially connected place to provide a complete people search service and includes a way to communicate stay connected with friends, family, loved ones and colleagues.

It allows users to create tabs; and delivers accurate results thus making it easy to stay connected.

The site aims to create greater understanding and connection. by giving individuals greater power to share and connect, and certain principles guide in pursuing these goals. 

All of us have many different kinds of relationships in our lives, both personal and professional and the growing demands on our time and our increased mobility as a culture for growth can make it easy to lose touch.

The site helps you find people from anytime in your life, no matter where they are.
One can send instant message to Email, Mobile or to face book wall if you have you're mobile activated and face book account configured according to your preferences.

 The site makes it possible to import Contacts from any other web service providers including both email and social media sites like Yahoo, Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, MSN and many more.
Once you start using the site you can create Life Tabs or a timeline and share them to contacts and friends alike.

This message will reach the contact in different ways that is through email of your choice, on the face book wall and to mobile through sms as long as you're mobile is activated and receiver mobile in his profile and not listed in the DND Registry.

Apart from this you can upload pictures corresponding to the life tab, this will be shared along with life tab event.
One can create LyfeTabs privately, share with limited friends, share with all, events and memorable experiences on a daily basis.

You can remind the Life Tabs to remember your preferences as per your choice before few hours or in days of the lifetime occurrence.
it will also help you to send gifts to your contacts on Occasions.
This will also enable you to find your friends, reconnect with a lost loved one, stay in contact with family, and relatives or keep track of the dozens of other relationships that you've created along the way, is here to help you do it.

the most effective and efficient way to find everyone in your life. Create, Share, Remind Life Tabs of your Life and attach ALBUMS to it and share them and comment on them.

Listed below are some of the reasons why one must use the site:

The site gives you the freedom to share and connect 

It gives people the freedom to share whatever information they want, in any medium and any format, and have the right to connect online with anyone - any person, organization or service - as long as they both agree to the connection.
The site allows ownership and control of information in the hands of the people.

Everyone has the freedom to share it with anyone they want and take it with them anywhere they want, including removing it from the site.

People should have the freedom to decide with whom they will share their information, and to set privacy controls to protect those choices although hose controls, however, are not capable of limiting how those who have received information may use it, particularly outside the purview of the site.
A free flow of information for  the access all of the information made available to them by others. People should also have practical tools that make it easy, quick, and efficient to share and access this information.
There must be equality whether individual, advertiser, developer, organization, or other entity - should have representation and access to distribution and information within the LyfeTabs Service, regardless of the Person's primary activity.

There should be a single set of principles, rights, and responsibilities that should apply to all People using the website.
The social beliefs and the freedom to build trust and reputation through their identity and connections, and should not have their presence on the website removed for reasons other than those described in the service.
People should be able to use LyfeTabs for free to establish a presence, connect with others, and share information with them. Every Person should be able to use the LyfeTabs Service regardless of his or her level of participation or contribution.
The rights and responsibilities of LyfeTabs and the People that use it should be described in a Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, which should not be inconsistent with these Principles.
LyfeTabs should publicly make available information about its purpose, plans, policies, and operations.
The website should be able to go beyond geographic and national boundaries and be available to everyone in the world.


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