Different Modes Of Transport Avaiable While Travelling

One of the best ways to travel is selecting the right mode of transport in making your journey a success. When it comes to travel, transport plays a major role in deciding how we want to reach our destination. Travel can be done by air, land and sea and they include planes, cars, buses, trains, ships and many more.
What we need to do first, is decide on whether the journey is long distance or short distance and which mode of transport can get us to our destination at lowest cost and with minimum possible time. 
Travel if viewed as an adventure is not just about getting from one place to another which can be quite routine and tiresome but a matter of enjoying yourself while on the move. It must be said that modes of transport vary according to circumstances. For example, if you are planning to learn more about a certain place, then walking or even cycling is the best way to go about it, but if you are planning to travel within a country then cars, buses and trains become a viable option. Then again, if you are planning to travel from one country to another then the best option is traveling by air.
I am a relentless traveler who loves being on the move and experimented with all modes of transport, be it air, land or sea.
After years of being on the road, I have found that I some modes of transport work better than others.
In my view, the mode of transport selected depends upon the distance traveled, so I prefer traveling by road or rail within a country from one city to another.
Again, it must be noted that some people prefer their own cars as opposed to using public transport.

Here are some points to keep in mind while selecting your preferred mode of transport.
1. If cost is what is you are looking at, then bus or car works best for short trips and plane or train is suited for long distances.
 Although cost and choice of modes of transport differ from country to country, buses or cars are best suited for short durations and trains or planes are a better choice for long distance travel.
When it comes to cost, another point to be noted is that when multiple people travel, the price per person gets cheaper when you go by car as you can adjust the cost to include the number of people as opposed to traveling on a plane, train, or bus, since each person has to buy their own ticket.
2. If you are a stickler for time and believe in reaching your destination at the fastest possible time then it is the bus or train for short distances and planes that work for the long haul.
Many of us do not realize that flying is not the best option when the trip is short. Considering the fact that you have to arrive at the airport hours before your flight is scheduled, flying is only faster and better when you are destinations that are thousands of miles apart.Another thing that most of us overlook while driving is that it becomes monotonous and boring as there is nothing for you to do but drive.
If you take a plane, train, or bus, you can focus on other things like read, study, work, or sleep.
Sometimes trains are better than flying. A plane might take less time to get to your destination but then again, you do not have to go to the inconvenience of security checks and worrying about whether your luggage has arrived or no being connected online while on the go. 
3. Despite evidence to the contrary, Airplanes remain the safest mode of transport as compared to others.
It is a known fact that flying is much safer than driving and more people are killed in road accidents as compared to those traveling by air. We do tend to notice airplane crashes more as many more people die in a single flight but instances of these are few and far between. When compared to both flying and driving, traveling by train is safest of all.  While you travel by train because there is no way that it will be crashing into the sea or run into another train as they run on parallel tracks.
4. When it comes to the comfort factor trains are way ahead of planes and cars as the preferred mode of travel. Train are spacious, with little or no restrictions on the use of electronic devices like cellphones and laptops, generous free baggage allowances, a dining car serving freshly prepared meals, Electrical outlets for your tablets and smartphones that are present on planes and trains are almost the same with options available in first or business class, sometimes available in coach class.
Cars do have their advantages, because you have the ability to stop whenever and wherever you want and in the absence of all the above option planes are the least preferred mode of transport for one looking for a comfortable journey. 
There are other modes of transport too, but travel whether by public or private transport, cars, trains, planes is all dependent upon individual choices and preferences and you have to decide what works best for you. 


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